Sunday, 21 June 2020

Honey's of the Desert

So as mentioned previously, I've finally got round to finishing 17 Honey Stuarts for my Desert British. It's only taken a year of them sitting sprayed on my painting bench.

This gives me:
4 strong HQ Platoon
4 x 3 strong Platoons
1 Observer Honey Stuart

and also 17 more models ticked off the list!

The models are Plastic Soldier Company's 15mm M3 'Honey' Light Tank kit, with transfers from Dom's Decals (my preferred decal provider) and PSC. The crew figures are surplus Battlefront figures. The kit went together well, though the quantity of detail meant it took ages to pin wash 17 of them. They are cheaper than the Battlefront kit however (£20 vs £30 for 5), and I feel the quality is just as good. The only point I have against them is I feel that the crew figures are a bit spindly, and only have 1 pose, hence the use of Battlefront figures instead. They also don't come with decals, but I've found the quality of the BF transfers to be mixed anyway (they often break), and prefer not to use them if I can.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Railway People

Yes, I know I said that the Stuarts were next, but the transfers were drying on them, and I had some time....

If it makes you feel better, the Stuarts have been varnished today, and are just awaiting the turrets to be fitted and photos taken.

Anyway, while I was waiting for the transfers to dry, I started painting some 00 scale figures and bits I had found in the railway box. No idea on the manufacturer, I think they were in a bargain box at a railway show at 10p a figure! A couple of hours later, and this was the result.