Today we have a some tokens.
Last weekend I attended Corrivalry, a UK flames of war competition. I didn't do badly, I came 5th and joint 2nd in the painting competition. My army is below.
Mostly covers 15mm Flames of War stuff, but also covers other oddments as well.
Today we have a some tokens.
Last weekend I attended Corrivalry, a UK flames of war competition. I didn't do badly, I came 5th and joint 2nd in the painting competition. My army is below.
So I have managed to get my medium and heavy Soviet mortars painted, which is useful as if gives me both options for my Soviet force.
Also another 17 models painted!
So the secret project is revealed, I've been working on this 3D printed Astute class submarine a friend did for me.
Interesting project as there are limited photos of these especially below the waterline, as such I've gone for a limited paint scheme, black with a few details in Grey or Dark Green.
The base is white based MDF which I edged with iron on strip.
So, another year, another annual summary blog post.
What can we say about 2024? Well, looking at the graph below, it's not been my most productive year.
However, it was at least better than 2022s progress, especially when you consider that I've moved house twice this year (and the pre/post work that involves), and lost my permanently set up painting space.
So what have I achieved this year?
Firstly, my Late War Germans got a big boost, with the following completed.
My Soviets gained a lend lease Tankovy of 21 Grants and 10 Stuarts.
For 1:72/OO railways I completed the following: